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Album Review
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624 Transaction de Novo by Bedhead

Transaction de Novo

Trance Syndicate
Release year
Steve Albini
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On their third and final album, Bedhead refine their spacious slowcore sound with thoughtful guitar arrangements and haunting melodies

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On their third and final studio album, Bedhead, lead by brothers Matt and Bubba Kadane, craft an intimate record built on space and restraint. But 1998's Transaction de Novo isn't entirely a down-tempo affair, as the band pushes the sonic envelope on noisier tracks like "Extramundane" and "Psychosomatica" with mixed results. The sweet spot lies in the slowcore creep of opener "Exhume," which remains instrumental for most of its four plus minute running time, or expansive closer "The Present," which builds like an Explosions in the Sky song. The band finds new and interesting ways to stay true to their sound while tweaking it along the way.

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Songs in this episode

  • Intro - Lepidoptera
  • 10:25 - Exhume
  • 13:48 - More Than Ever
  • 21:54 - Extramundane
  • 26:09 - The Present
  • Outro - Half-Thought

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Transaction de Novo