Dinosaur Jr. just released a new album, so we felt episode #89 was a perfect time to revisit the 1997 album Hand It Over. Legendary guitarist/singer/songwriter J. Mascis once described the album as his favorite of the major label years, so how does it stand up fifteen years later? There are plenty of curveballs on this album, with trumpets, flutes, banjo's making front and center appearances, not what you'd expect from a Dinosaur Jr. album. Does it work? Tune in and find out.
Songs in this Episode:
Intro - Can't We Move This
4:06 - History of the Band
12:57 - I'm Insane
14:38 - I'm Insane
17:04 - Never Bought It
22:27 - Alone
27:40 - Nothin's Goin On
35:57 - Can't We Move This
Outro - Mick
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