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Frontman of TAD

Thomas Andrew Doyle is most widely known for being the frontman and leader of the band TAD. Tad was one of the founding members of the GRUNGE music movement. He began his musical passion and career at the age of 5 years old when he would bang on oatmeal boxes and coffee cans trying to emulate his older brother who had a drum set. At the age of 18, he began playing drums in jazz bands and quartets in nightclubs around the Boise area. Later he played in rock and punk rock bands around the area before deciding to move to Seattle with his band H-Hour in 1986.  Enter the story of TAD the band. More on that sojourn on this site. In 2017, Thomas Andrew Doyle (TAD, Brothers of the Sonic Cloth, Hog Molly, H-Hour) went back to his symphonic roots to begin a new musical chapter in his already impressively successful career.

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Thomas Andrew Doyle

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Frontman of TAD