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Podcast Episode
Album Review
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Galactic Cowboys

421 Machine Fish by Galactic Cowboys

Machine Fish

Metal Blade
Release year
Alan Doss
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The Galactic Cowboys bring plenty of riffs to their third album Machine Fish, but did they need an outside producer to help reign them in?

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Compact discs were the predominant physical medium for music in the 90s that, like cassettes and vinyl before, came with positives and negatives. No more rewinding or fast forwarding to find a song. Mobility meant moving from your home stereo, to your Discman, to your car with ease. Plus, you had almost eighty minutes to work with. That last one, however, became a curse as much as a blessing with albums like the 1996 release Machine Fish by Galactic Cowboys. If you're into hard rock/metal with a melodic bent, this album is just up your alley. Alas, left to their own devices, the gentlemen of Galactic Cowboys manage to stuff nearly every minute of this compact disc with riff upon riff, sometimes burying a gem behind walls of guitars, turning what could be three minute pop metal masterpieces into bloated five minute head scratchers. If this were an eight or nine songs album released on vinyl in the 1970s, that wouldn't be as much of an issue, but at fourteen songs and almost seventy minutes, even the most hearty will start to fatigue.

And if that wasn't enough, we even conducted a bonus review of the Feel The Rage EP exclusive at our Patreon page.

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Songs in this episode

  • Intro - Feel The Rage
  • 18:25 - 9th Of June
  • 30:33 - Fear Not
  • 35:15 - Easy To Love
  • 43:47 - Patting Yourself On The Back
  • Outro - Psychotic Companion

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Spotify playlist for this episode

Machine Fish