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Album Review
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601 Picture of Health by Headstones

Picture of Health

Release year
Mark Berry
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The debut album Picture of Health by Headstones makes us wonder why aren't there more straight-up rock bands like AC/DC or The Angels

Author & Special Guests

Describing rock bands can be tricky, as there is usually a need for comparison to set expectations. In the cast of Headstones, it's not that simple. The band is heavy, but not metal. They rock in a way that fits into the 90s, but they're not grunge or alternative. Smart lyrics, big guitar riffs, and short catchy songs that have hints of Australian bands like AC/DC or The Angels, with a touch of Guns 'n Roses and even a ballad or two. On their 1993 debut Picture of Health, all the ingredients for a smash hit debut are there, and while the band is beloved in Canada, they didn't make a ripple outside their home country.

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Songs in this episode

  • Intro - When Something Stands for Nothing
  • 17:10 - Heart of Darkness
  • 22:39 - Oh My God
  • 35:19 - It's All Over
  • Outro - Judy

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Picture of Health