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Album Review
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585 Generation Six-Pack by Pure

Generation Six-Pack

Mammoth Records, Atlantic
Release year
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The laid back fuzz of Pure's Generation Six-Pack recalls finds a sweet spot between Pavement's slacker vibe and Hum's wall of noise

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A disaffected and laid-back vocal combined with loose playing will always draw a comparison to Pavement when talking 90s rock. And Pure definitely dabble in the slacker rock vibe, albeit with more chill than snark, and on Generation Six-Pack the chill is via a nice layer of fuzzy guitar that is somewhere between early Weezer and space rock Hum. The band uses some standard 90s tropes to good effect, like the quiet/loud dynamic of "Anna," while also integrating slide guitar to add a layer of distortion and countermelody while also integrating some bluesy licks, like on "The Tip" and "Denial." Where the record falters for us it may not for others - the relaxed approach occasionally smoothers what could have been some delicious power-pop-esque gems like on "Lemonade," where a slightly tighter approach would have resulted in a resilient earworm.

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Songs in this episode

  • Intro - What It Is
  • 12:52 - Nobody Knows I'm New Wave
  • 18:37 - Monster
  • 24:00 -The Tip
  • 31:05 - Lemonade
  • Outro - Anna

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Generation Six-Pack