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Podcast Episode
Album Review
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705 Leitmotif by Dredg


Woven Records / Interscope
Release year
Travis Crenshaw
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Dredg debuted in 1999 with Leitmotif, a post-hardcore, progressive and nu-metal tinged album that's thick on ideas but thin on execution

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Leitmotif, released in 1999 by Los Gatos, California quartet Dredg, is a concept album exploring themes of identity and time. The album blends elements of alternative rock, progressive rock, nu-metal, and post-hardcore, showcasing the band's skillful versatility, drawing comparison to fellow California bands Tool and Deftones. With its intricate instrumentations and dynamic shifts, Leitmotif takes listeners on an emotive musical journey through its narrative arc. Where the band runs into trouble is in the indulgences, stretching out noisy outros or delayed intros far too long, and ending on an unnecessary jam below their skill set. What looks like an album quickly shrinks to something more like a long EP, missing a few tracks that focused on their talents instead of their experimentation.

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Songs in this episode

  • Intro - Movement I: @45N. 180W
  • 13:15 - Lechium
  • 16:57 - Movement IV: RR
  • 23:40 - Penguins in the Desert
  • 32:13 - Traversing Through the Arctic Cold, We Search for the Spirit of Yuta
  • Outro - Yatahaze

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